XM Radio

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by marx404, Mar 28, 2005.

  1. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    Supposedley I hear that Saturn (& GM) will be putting XM equipped radios in
    all future models. (its an available option right now). Just my 2 cents on
    XM, I think its the greatest thing since CD's. After selling many cars and
    setting it up for customers, I was sold on it, bought one for myself. I have
    an hour drive to work every day and the constant barrage of commercials,
    same old top 40 cr*p and unfunny, uninteresting monotnous talk show banter,
    XM is a breath of fresh air.

    WallyMart is selling the Delphi Roady 2 which self installs in minutes for
    $94. not bad. I had it up and running in 30 min. They are raising thier
    rates from $9. a month to $12. on April 2nd, ppl who subscribe beforehand
    can get locked in to the old price.

    Better than FM quality, near CD quality sound and over 100 stations to
    choose from. I love it.
    marx404, Mar 28, 2005
  2. marx404

    frontmed Guest


    I was wondering where you heard this?

    frontmed, Mar 28, 2005
  3. marx404

    blah blah Guest

    IMO its only better if its free. The last thing this world needs is more
    bills... I like the idea of mp3 player hookups mentioned in CE's post.
    blah blah, Mar 28, 2005
  4. I agree...I bought it for my wife as an Christmas gift, and after thinking
    about it - returned a few days later. Everything is always "only 10 or 20
    bucks a month", but it all adds up and the next thing you know, your paying
    a ton of money out a month for a lot of "inexpensive" incidentals. And of
    course, the always rate increases that will be forever coming on it. I just
    had to draw the line at paying for radio....Just IMO...

    Scott MacIntyre, Mar 28, 2005
  5. marx404

    M. Butkus Guest

    Satellite radio is nice.... except when you are: under a bridge, under heavy
    tree branches (summer), in a tunnel, down the opposite side of a hill from
    the salellite, in a garage, in a parking garage, most other places without a
    clear site of the satellite location.
    M. Butkus, Mar 29, 2005
  6. marx404

    frontmed Guest

    Satellite radio is nice.... except when you are: under a bridge,
    under heavy
    tree branches (summer), in a tunnel, down the opposite side of a hill
    the salellite, in a garage, in a parking garage, most other places
    without a
    clear site of the satellite location.

    The built in time and spacial diversity functionality eliminates the
    problems you mention for almost all circumstances. Most major metro
    areas have repeaters that eliminate any further problems.

    The state I live in has no area where reception is not AT LEAST AS GOOD
    as terrestrial radio. In addition, I've travelled two of the
    surrounding states without the slightest problem in any area. Dropouts
    occur in no more than a half dozen places, and never for more than a
    second or two. There is not one repeater in the state I live in. In
    short, this really isn't a problem.

    Sounds like you either (a) haven't tried it, or (b) live in a area
    where there are no repeaters and major obstructions.
    frontmed, Mar 29, 2005
  7. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    Well, I live in a rural part of town and drive through a thin road lined by
    very tall trees and power lines with no loss of signal or quality. I have to
    add that most ppl who have XM will tell you that where the signal can be
    blocked there will be a very brief loss of signal.

    My personal decision to get XM was because:

    1. changing my radio or adding on a 6 CD changer would potentially cost
    $2-300 or more after professonal installation. That would cover the cost for
    an XM unit and 1-2 yrs of XM service.

    2. legal MP3s you pay for anyways, as well as legal new CDs (up to $20.
    each) and it ends up being more expensive, considering MP3 subsciption
    services and/or medium (CDs or a very good MP3 player).

    3. I already budgeted myself for $200. and based on the above, XM was the
    smartest choice for me and the most easy and inexpensive way to enhance my
    current car stereo.

    4. So. FL. is flat...perfect for XM signals.

    5. I can listen to over 100 channels of music w/o going bananas or wrecking
    my car pushing buttons to escape commercials and mindless drivel. Oh, and
    today I listened to a whole album I havent heard in 20 yrs. on my way to
    work and faced the day with a smile. That alone makes it worth it.

    just my 2 cents.......
    marx404, Mar 29, 2005
  8. marx404

    C. E. White Guest

    Have you ever tried XM? In addition to direct satellite
    broadcast, XM has terrestrial repeaters in major markets. I
    rarely lose the XM signal. In fact, compared to fading FM
    stations and static prone AM stations, XM reception is
    perfect. Sirius is a little more prone to dropping out in my
    area (no local repeaters?), but is still better than all the
    local AM stations, and all but a couple of local FM
    stations. And once you leave town, there is no comparison. I
    can stay on one satellite station forever with almost no
    signal loss for 100's, even 1000,s of miles. Try that with
    any local station.

    C. E. White, Mar 29, 2005
  9. marx404

    frontmed Guest

    I can stay on one satellite station forever with almost no
    signal loss for 100's, even 1000,s of miles. Try that with
    any local station.

    This is a major advantage to XM IMO. I have about 15 or so channels I
    listen to on XM, and they're always on, familiar DJs, and you know what
    to expect and when. Whether I'm near home or 1000 miles away, I get
    what I'm used to.

    That's worth 13 bucks a month to me, even without the benefits of the
    better music and other content.

    I used to spend at least $100/200 a month on CDs and my collection
    numbers in the thousands. But I have bought fewer than 5 CDs in the
    last 3 years because my CD collection is totally obsolete with XM

    It is one of those things you just have to try before you can
    understand it....
    frontmed, Mar 29, 2005
  10. marx404

    blah blah Guest

    I'm happier listening to the wind with my money in my pocket. It only
    took me 5 brand new CD's in my life (50-80 dollars total) to realize I
    was throwing my money away on something I can live well enough without.
    The most I will spend on a music CD now is a dollar, if that, at a
    garage sale. 10 cent plastic isnt worth more than that and the sooner
    people realize this the better.
    blah blah, Mar 29, 2005
  11. marx404

    Rich Soucie Guest

    I'ts called get a cd burner get a big spool of cdr's and make your own damn
    cd's there are still a ton of programs with wich you can download free songs
    Rich Soucie, Mar 29, 2005
  12. marx404

    frontmed Guest

    I'm happier listening to the wind with my money in my pocket. It
    took me 5 brand new CD's in my life (50-80 dollars total) to realize I
    was throwing my money away on something I can live well enough without.
    The most I will spend on a music CD now is a dollar, if that, at a
    garage sale. 10 cent plastic isnt worth more than that and the sooner
    people realize this the better.

    Everyone has to have their own priorities in life.
    frontmed, Mar 29, 2005
  13. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    I have just discovered a problem with my XM radio: My morning drive to work
    isn't long enough now. :)

    marx404, Mar 31, 2005
  14. marx404

    NoDownTime Guest

    have just discovered a problem with my XM radio: My morning drive
    to work isn't long enough now. :)

    I'd wager you haven't noticed it yet but your blood pressure is lower
    when you get there, too....
    NoDownTime, Mar 31, 2005
  15. marx404

    blah blah Guest

    MP3's are easier to carry with you than XM radios. :p
    blah blah, Apr 1, 2005
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