Wipers stopped working...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Brigitte J., Mar 5, 2004.

  1. Brigitte J.

    Brigitte J. Guest

    The wipers on my 95 SL2 stopped working, so I replaced the fuse, which was
    bad. The wipers are working, but they aren't working like they're supposed
    to. They are wiping very slow, and kinda "jerky-like" regardless of what
    setting they're on. Anyone know what this means?

    Any help/advice is appreciated.

    Brigitte J.
    Brigitte J., Mar 5, 2004
  2. Brigitte J.

    Mike Guest

    Sounds like maybe the wiper drive is getting stiff (the monkey motion
    between the motor and the blade arms). On my daughters 93 the linkages used
    to stiffen/seize up and cause them to wipe very slow. Long enough on and the
    motor would get hot and the fuse would blow. WD40 was a temporary fix to get
    them going again, but it continually got worse, less time between fixes. I
    eventually bought a new drive assembly and replaced it.
    Mike, Mar 6, 2004
  3. Brigitte J.

    Brigitte J. Guest

    Thanks Mike...

    Brigitte J., Mar 6, 2004
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