Wiper Noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Box134, Oct 12, 2003.

  1. Box134

    Box134 Guest

    1996 SL2

    Just did some highway driving through light rain and drizzle and a lot of
    road spray. As the windshield is wiped dry, but not too dry, the wipers make
    a god-awful noise. Mainly this is bad design I think. Has anyone found a way
    to quiet these down? I've thought of using the Teflon blades but I don't
    want to spend $30 without knowing if they will help.

    I had a Mazda Protege rental recently and even dry the wipers didn't make
    noise. I think on the SL2 the wiper arms are too flexible and they start
    oscillating when you get the wipers go through the stick-slip phenomenon.
    Box134, Oct 12, 2003
  2. Box134

    Tenzo Guest

    How about just cleaning your windshield?
    Tenzo, Oct 13, 2003
  3. Box134

    Jay Bollyn Guest

    If you are talking about the wipers chattering, I think this is because the
    blades on your car (and my 98 SL2) spend their entire life pressed against
    the windshield. This causes the blades to get permanently bent slightly in
    one direction. As the rubber gets older, it loses some of its flexibility.
    So when the blade needs to go in the other direction, it tends to
    hop-chatter, especially when the windshield is not very wet.

    On some cars (especially more expensive ones), a mechanism lifts the wipers
    off the windshield to a park position, when the wipers are shut off. I had a
    Toyota Cressida that did this. So the blades have less tendency to get bent
    in one direction.

    -- Jay
    Jay Bollyn, Oct 13, 2003
  4. Box134

    teem Guest

    Have to say the ones on my Ion are crap,with my 3rd oil change,i asked to
    look at them,they replaced them!,new & soft.It wasn't that hot this
    summer,but,that's a good point on pressure when not in use,they BETTER NOT
    start scratching the windsheild!.
    teem, Oct 14, 2003
  5. Box134

    Box134 Guest

    Hop-chatter.... excellent description. You've described it perfectly. I have
    noticed that when the blade changes direction, on the driver side, it rolls
    over and spatter the wiped area. On my car this phenomenon isn't
    age-related. This was happening as soon as I replaced the wiper blades, in
    fact, now that they are worn down it's a bit better, but not much. Also, I
    replaced just the blades, not the blade and arm. I think the refills were
    noisier than replacing the arms.

    Yeah, I don't know if there's any cure for this other than a re-design.
    Box134, Oct 14, 2003
  6. Box134

    C. E. White Guest

    I've had a number of cars that did this and think it is a horrible idea
    if you are anywhere near pine trees. The #$$#% needles get under the
    blades when they are parked and if you forget to clean them out on a
    daily basis sooner or later you are going to turn on your wipers and be
    confronted with a bunch of needles streaking up the windshield.

    If taking a "set" is the problem, why is one "set" better than another?

    Properly designed / decent quality wiper blades are the answer to this
    problem. A clan windshield helps also.


    Ed White
    C. E. White, Oct 14, 2003
  7. Box134

    Jay Bollyn Guest

    I should have mentioned earlier, I have 91K on my 98 SL2. I replace the
    wiper inserts yearly, from the Saturn parts dept. The rest of the wiper
    assembly is original. Chicago area.

    This guy http://www.garageboy.com/bmw/bonami.html says Bon Ami is good for
    cleaning windshields. I have never tried it, but I might, especially for the
    insides of the windows. I hate the film that products like Windex leave on
    the glass. I occasionally apply Rain-X, but it wears off long before I
    reapply it. Garageboy also says that Rain-X creates a safety problem when it
    wears off after a couple weeks. I have never noticed this.

    -- Jay
    Jay Bollyn, Oct 14, 2003
  8. Box134

    Box134 Guest

    I use water and liquid car washing detergent. I scrubbed down the windshield
    inside and out a few times and finished by rubbing with a towel. This is the
    only method that leaves the windshield clean enough for me! I think a very
    clean windshield makes the hop-chatter worse. I hoped someone had tried the
    Teflon blades, as Teflon has very low friction properties.

    Incidentally, I like to keep the inside of the windshield squeaky clean
    because frost nucleates around dirt particles. Not long before that's a
    Box134, Oct 16, 2003
  9. Box134

    Jay Bollyn Guest

    If you have not tried Rain-X, you might like it. It is like wax for the
    exterior windshield. It needs to be reapplied every week or two.
    Jay Bollyn, Oct 16, 2003
  10. Box134

    Steve Elmore Guest

    Unless you live in a rain forest, every month or two should suffice. Oh,
    and I've been known to Rain-X the windshield of my rental cars because I
    can't stand not having it.
    Steve Elmore, Oct 17, 2003
  11. Box134

    Box134 Guest

    I used Rain-X or something like it years ago. I'll give it a try. It will
    also make me feel good to bum something from my son, as he has some!
    Box134, Oct 17, 2003
  12. Box134

    user Guest

    I just saw Rain-X wipers at a WalMart. Anyone used these and if so, any
    comments on these wipers?
    user, Oct 18, 2003
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