About 5 weeks ago I replaced the window regulator in the drivers window of my 95 SL1 and it had been working just fine till today. After I got off work today the window would not work at all, like it wasn't even getting any power though the other 3 windows still worked. I drove home and then a few hours later left to go get something to eat. While out I hit the switch again and the window rolled down just fine. This time though I can not get it to roll all the way back up. About half way up it gets stuck and makes a grinding noise. This is very similar to how it acted when the regulator first went out with the power switch working intermediately and the grinding noise. Only then it would grind if you tried to roll it up or down, now it is only happing when you try to roll it up. I can't believe (or maybe I just don't want to believe) that the regulator is going out again after only a month. I am hoping that it is something simple, like maybe I didn't bolt it in tight enough causing the mechanisms to shift a bit out of alignment. Tomorrow I am going to take the door apart again to do a visual inspection, see if I can come up with anything. Short of replacing the regulator again does anyone else have any ideas of what this might be. If the teeth on the regulator were broken, then why or how would this cause the power switch to work intermediately? One the old regulator that I removed a month ago there were no broken or visibly worn down teeth on the outside, are there additional gear teeth that are actually inside the mother which are not visible? Mark.