where can i find shifter cables?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by javier ortiz, Jul 26, 2003.

  1. javier ortiz

    javier ortiz Guest

    I just had a problem with my shifting stick where one of the contacts broke.
    All it is a knob and it should be working. Saturn doesnt sell those knobs. I
    have to buy the whole shifting cable kit, which runs for $180. The labor is
    an additional $225. I think is totally stupid for a the so called "different
    car maker" to made this knob not available for people to buy without having
    to spend all this money on those damn cable. People has talked about using
    rubber-bands or wire-ties. I tried both of them but it didnt hold for long.
    So far the black electric tape is helping me use the car until I find a
    solution. I dont have 425 dollars to give away to Saturn. Does anybody has a
    solution to this problem.???
    javier ortiz, Jul 26, 2003
  2. javier ortiz

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    I just had a problem with my shifting stick where one of the contacts broke.
    Talk to Joey @ 6thplanetusedparts.com. You may have to buy the complete
    assembly from him but it will be much much cheaper than Saturn.
    BANDIT2941, Jul 26, 2003
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