Wheel Bearing Questions...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by oh123, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. oh123

    oh123 Guest

    So I figure I have a bad wheel bearing; unfortunately I can't figure
    exactly what I'm going to have to do to fix it. The manual I have
    pretty much says don't mess with it and take the steering knuckle/hub
    assembly into a shop and have the bearing pressed. I called the
    nearby dealer and he said to just order the hub assembly and to put
    that on instead of pressing the bearing. Call the auto parts store
    for the hub assembly, and apparently you have to press the bearing
    that comes with the new hub assembly. What is the advantage of
    purchasing a new hub assembly as opposed to just the bearing? Is this
    really that hard that I should take it into a shop? I mean I know I
    need a press, and yes, I have access to one. what about an
    alignment? Why would I need one of those? I mean I guess I
    understand why, but If I'm not cranking on the tie rod or anything is
    it really going to throw it off that much? So many questions; and so
    little time before this thing decides its going to completely go
    oh123, Jul 27, 2007
  2. oh123

    BläBlä Guest

    Mind reminding us what vehicle this is as I'm to tired to use telepathy
    at this moment...
    BläBlä, Jul 27, 2007
  3. oh123

    olenhenke Guest

    Yeah, it's a 99 SL1 with about 113,000 miles...sorry
    olenhenke, Jul 27, 2007
  4. oh123

    BläBlä Guest

    To be sure, this conclusion came how?
    That helps. It would be easier if the hub/bearing was one unit but the
    bearing is pressed inside the steering knuckle making it part of the
    unit as well. This job takes more than hand tools unfortunately.
    BläBlä, Jul 27, 2007
  5. Yeah, just take the knuckle to Saturn. take your car back to Saturn for
    alignment. I had it all done for <$200 including parts and what not...There
    was a good guide on the Saturn site. I can dig it up if you'd like?
    HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\), Jul 27, 2007
  6. oh123

    sowhatofit Guest

    Thanks for all your help and willingness to do so...

    A friend and I fixed the thing; quite a job. He's a mechanic, and had
    never seen a bearing like that.

    I can go into detail if you'd like...it took a lot longer than we both

    To answer another question: How did I come to the conclusion it was a
    wheel bearing? Well, it was making a thumping noise for quite some
    time, around a year or so. Of course it got progressively worse, and
    I began to have premonissions that at some point, probably around 3
    am, my tire would fall off and I would go crashing into the woods and
    become a missing person.

    It was classic wheel bearing symptoms, a thump-thump-thump type of
    noise, which earlier in it's time would only do it if the weight would
    shift onto the tire around a corner, or not do it if it would shift
    onto the other wheel. And apparently I was the only one to see this
    as odd, as a number of local shops that I took it to said it was fine,
    even after I explained what it was doing. Probably wanted nothing to
    do with changing that bearing. I know the guy who helped me said he'd
    never do another one.
    sowhatofit, Aug 6, 2007
  7. A year? Jesus. I can feel a slight misbalance in my tires and I usually
    freak out. I can also feel when my tires are low as to how they sound...

    I'm a freak for sure :)
    HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\), Aug 14, 2007
  8. oh123

    sowhatofit Guest

    well, I noticed it, but what can you do? Fix it I suppose, but i
    guess that is how cars go...turn up the radio, and the problem
    momentarily disappears.
    sowhatofit, Aug 16, 2007
  9. oh123

    Private Guest

    Google is your friend.


    especially (IMHO)


    Good luck, YMMV
    Private, Aug 19, 2007
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