What's this worth?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jknomail, Sep 5, 2003.

  1. Jknomail

    Jknomail Guest

    I have a '94 SC2 that's been crashed - just hard enough to total it, according
    to the insurance company. Everything from the firewall back is in perfect
    shape, and the engine and transmission are fine. Would it be worth putting this
    up for sale for parts, or would I be better off just calling the junkyard, and
    let them have it?
    I'm considering Ebay, too.
    What do you guys think?

    Bass Wishes from South Florida

    Reply by email to k a z e e jk at ay-oh-well dot com.
    Just remove the spaces, fix the last part, and so on.
    Jknomail, Sep 5, 2003
  2. Jknomail

    Tenzo Guest

    Why not do both? Part it out on ebay for 7 day auctions then scrap the

    What kind of radio does it have?
    Tenzo, Sep 5, 2003
  3. Jknomail

    C. E. White Guest

    If it is totaled, doesn't the insurance company keep the wreck?

    C. E. White, Sep 5, 2003
  4. ....I bought one back years ago - they just deduct the scrap value from the
    payoff value. So if the check was say $2,500 and you told them you wanted
    the car, they would come up with a scrap value (ex: $500), and you'd end up
    with a $2,000 check.

    Is this anyone else's experience? Blue - you out there?, you know about
    this stuff.
    Jonnie Santos, Sep 5, 2003
  5. Jknomail

    Tony Guest

    That's the way it's worked for me in the past....
    1986, AZ, State Farm.

    Works this way for fire damaged equipment too (1998, NY, Travelers)

    If the insurance company pays you for anything (car, fire damage, etc)
    technically, they own the item. They can either claim it (they did on
    my car) or tell you to trash it (they did on our fire damage, they
    took a few things, told us to trash the rest).

    With the car, they offered to sell it back for a few hundred, which I
    should have taken them up on but didn't.

    Tony, Sep 5, 2003
  6. Jknomail

    Blue87T Guest

    Jonnie Santos"
    Salvage laws vary from state to state. Some states ( I think most is more
    accurate) will require you to have the car retitled with a "salvage " title to
    indicate that it was rebuild after being deemed a total loss. Typically they
    will deduct a salvage value from the actual cash value . If anyone is
    interested in seeing just how much wrecked cars/bikes/boats/rvs go for :
    Salvagedirect.com is a website used by some insurance companies to move there
    cars . Some pretty cool wrecks on there - Vipers, Z06 Vettes ...
    Blue87T, Sep 12, 2003
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