Vue roof rack question

Discussion in 'Saturn VUE' started by Cliff Hartle, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. Cliff Hartle

    Cliff Hartle Guest

    I need to know if the Vue roof rack works with the kind of car top carrier
    that I have, a standard small Sears cargo box .

    My old van had bars that went across the top of the vehicle and along the
    sides. I could nestle the box between the across bars and attach the straps
    to the side bars.

    On the Vue there are no side bars so the box would have to be attached to
    the rain gutters and I don't think that's going to work.

    I have seen boxes like this sitting on top of the across bars, but I don't
    think my box is designed for this kind of install.

    I would much rather use one of the soft canvas car top carriers, but they
    all require attaching a few straps to the bars running along the sides.
    Again nothing to attach to. I also don't think there is any roof rack
    accessory from Saturn for this purpose.

    My ideas are to either make some sort of attachment that screws into the
    threaded studs that used to install the cross bars or to make some sort of
    bars that attach under the factory bars. I would use either of these to
    attach the side straps to the Vue.

    Does any of this make any sense?
    Cliff Hartle, Jun 19, 2004
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