Vue goes belly up

Discussion in 'Saturn VUE' started by C. E. White, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. C. E. White

    C. E. White Guest

    Well, it happened. My Son was driving the Vue last night when the
    transmission (VTi) went belly up. The only two functions that work are Park
    and Neutral. Placing it into forward or reverse does nothing (no bad noises
    either). Fortunately GM extended the warranty on the transmission to 75,000
    miles. The Saturn dealer seemed very familiar with the problem and said it
    would be a couple of days unless they had a new transmission in stock. Has
    anyone else had their VTi transmission replaced. If so, did it operate


    Ed White
    C. E. White, Jan 16, 2006
  2. C. E. White

    blah blah Guest

    I trust VTi's about as much as I trust timing belts... Likely the belt
    finally desided to give out. Thats why you're not getting any bad
    noises, none to make with no contact. The belt serves no function in
    park or neutral.
    blah blah, Jan 17, 2006
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