Vue AWD or FWD

Discussion in 'Saturn VUE' started by Howard Slomer, Jan 24, 2004.

  1. I interested in buying a 2004 Saturn VUE V6. The AWD model seems
    to be the logical choice because of it's better winter driving
    characteristics. Other than the lower gas mileage, does anyone know of any
    other potential problems (increased maint problems, rapid tire wear,
    performance issues, etc.) with the AWD model compared to the FWD model?

    Thanks in
    Howard Slomer, Jan 24, 2004
  2. I can't speak for any potential problems specific to the AWD, but I know I'm
    sure glad I chose it as an option. It's come in handy a few times already for me
    this winter. I wouldn't think that it would have any effect on tire wear.
    Remember, the AWD isn't full time. It only comes into use when it's needed.
    Bill Kirkpatrick, Jan 25, 2004
  3. Howard Slomer

    ProfWdesk1 Guest

    I just have a 98SL2 ... I drive past the 4-wheel drives on the road in the snow
    and ice ... you don't need 4WD hardly ever ... unless you are trying to jump a
    creek off a dirt ramp ...
    ProfWdesk1, Jan 25, 2004
  4. Howard Slomer

    Brian Talley Guest

    I have an '03 AWD Vue and walk away from most other cars
    in the weather we have had so far: a couple feet of snow
    and sub-zero temperatures. If you live in an area that gets
    a good deal of snow and ice, AWD is an advantage.

    Everyone has their own style of driving. I find AWD really
    makes a positive difference. You (and the original poster)
    may have completely different experiences.

    By the way, the Vue is only in AWD mode when the front wheels
    slip. Under normal driving conditions it's a FWD vehicle.


    Brian Talley, Jan 25, 2004
  5. Howard Slomer

    James1549 Guest

    Well I can tell you this about other GM vehicles...

    I help maintain a fleet of support vehicles (mostly GMs) for my company. The
    vehicles that have 4wd give us much less exspensive repair problems than the
    AWD vehicles. The main difference is that the AWD vehicles have more gear train
    hooked up all the time. The 4wd give us very little trouble because it is only
    used when the driver needs it.

    I personally would never own an AWD vehicle myself. 4wd is the way to go.

    Just my opinion, James
    James1549, Jan 27, 2004
  6. Isn't the term all-wheel-drive (AWD) as it related to the VUE a misnomer? I
    thought I read it's a part-time only system. And that when the front wheels
    (actually wheel as in singular - no limited slip either) loose traction,
    power is diverted from the front wheel to a rear wheel. I don't know if
    it's a full shift/transfer from front to back or a percentage. And I
    thought it is like Honda's CRV/Element setup too.
    Jonnie Santos, Jan 27, 2004
  7. Howard Slomer

    PasTech Guest

    I have to agree, that there is definately a benifit to AWD. I have an 02
    AWD, and noticed a big difference in control in adverse weather over my SL2
    FWD. I also agree that 90% of your "driveability" is knowing how to drive,
    something few people seem to know how to do anymore. That being said, a
    little knowhow with a little help from AWD cannot be a bad thing.

    The Vue is always in AWD. 60% on front, 40% on rear. (According to Saturn
    and the books). However, I have found that once a wheel slips, it might as
    well be 1-wheel drive. So, as far as forging rivers, jumping mud pits,
    etc., Vue may not be your best choice. (Does anyone actually think it was
    designed for that???). For the average driver, dealing with adverse
    weather, dirt/mud roads (not paths), and even some LIGHT off-road driving,
    the Vue is great.

    Have over 100K miles, still running great.

    PasTech, Feb 17, 2004
  8. Howard Slomer

    C. E. White Guest

    I think you are wrong about the Vue always being in AWD mode. I beleive the AWD
    only engages when slip is detected.


    Ed White
    C. E. White, Feb 17, 2004
  9. That's right - the AWD system on the Vue only engages when a speed
    difference between front and rear exists, otherwise the power is delivered
    only to the front wheels.
    Robert Hancock, Feb 18, 2004
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