This has been happening for awhile, and though nothing seems to be affected, curiousity is getting the best of me. '99 SL1, 89k miles. The tachometer and speedometer needles vibrate for about 5 seconds after I turn the car off. Then they stop. Doesn't matter if the car's been running a long time, or if I turn it on and then off quickly. It always happens. When it first started (could be over a year or two now), it was just the speedometer, but then it "spread" to the tach after a while. When I casually mentioned it at the dealership, they wanted to charge me to rip it apart and figure it out. I'm not THAT curious, nor do I want to pay to find out if it's not hurting anything, which it doesn't appear to be. Anyone seen this before or have any ideas as to what it could be caused by? tia! kayla711