Trunk Lids on Ions

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by Teem, Mar 1, 2004.

  1. Teem

    Teem Guest

    Well,this was not thought out right at all! if the lids wet,& you open the
    lid,water just dips right into the trunk,really!.
    Teem, Mar 1, 2004
  2. Teem

    ben@ Guest

    Sounds like my 2000 SL2.
    ben@, Mar 1, 2004
  3. Teem

    Wurm Guest

    same as my 98 SL2..... what really ticks me off is that if its raining
    outside, and you crack the window (I smoke in my car) just a little bit, the
    shape of the damn car lets the water roll right into the car all over the
    driver.... something that never happened on my old Oldsmobile and is
    actually something that will stop me from buying a certain car when im back
    on the market.
    Wurm, Mar 1, 2004
  4. Teem

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    same as my 98 SL2..... what really ticks me off is that if its raining
    You can get those ventshade things that go over the window to take care of that
    BANDIT2941, Mar 1, 2004
  5. Teem

    Wurm Guest

    ahhhh.... that I didnt realize, ill have to inquire on that (but somehow im
    assuming that the price of em will make it no longer worthwhile ;-) ).

    Wurm, Mar 1, 2004
  6. Teem

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    ahhhh.... that I didnt realize, ill have to inquire on that (but somehow im
    I just did a little digging for you and found them for $48.95 at
    for all 4 ventvisors. You need autoventshade part #94348.
    BANDIT2941, Mar 2, 2004
  7. Teem

    Teem Guest

    How much does saturn charge for those deflectors?.
    Teem, Mar 5, 2004
  8. Teem

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    How much does saturn charge for those deflectors?.

    Its an aftermarket part, I don't think you'd be able to get them through the
    BANDIT2941, Mar 5, 2004
  9. Teem

    Warren Guest

    Warren, Apr 7, 2004
  10. Teem

    Warren Guest

    Saturn charges $59.95 for them for the "S" series... you can probably do
    better than that almost anywhere else...

    Warren, Apr 7, 2004
  11. What deflector are you referring to exactly??

    Jonathan Calfat, Apr 8, 2004
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