transmission on my 1995 SC1

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Organgrinder, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. Organgrinder

    Organgrinder Guest

    My transmisdsion crapped out....
    First it was the 'reverse slam"

    Now.. it refuses to go into reverse, and 2nd and 3rd are a problem as well
    (automatic trnsmission btw)

    The funny part is that, as I've called trans shops here where I live for
    help, they refuse to work on Saturns, telling me that Transmission for that
    car are bad from the get-go.....

    They actually turn away business.

    Where is the recall Saturn???? These transmissions are bad, I had the
    reverse slam since 95 when we bought the car.

    I'm car shopping in December. It's a Honda or Toyota for me.
    Organgrinder, Apr 25, 2005
  2. Organgrinder

    Chuck Guest

    It might be a loose input shaft nut. A Saturn shop in NY fixed my 95
    SW2 (87k mi.) for $282.
    Chuck, Apr 26, 2005
  3. Organgrinder

    Bob Shuman Guest

    What maintenance did you perform? How many miles on the trans? Seems odd
    that you could get 10 years out of such a badly designed unit after it
    started the reverse slam. They are actually pretty reliable transmissions
    if the fluid and filter gets changed frequently.

    Bob Shuman, Apr 26, 2005
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