I've seen a lot of people asking here recently, "where is this..." "how do I do that...". Rather than solely relying on the kindness of strangers to post, pick up a Haynes or Chilton manual for your car at any auto parts store for around . It is amazing what you can do with one (along with some patience, confidence, and a few tools). Also, do a Google groups search of this message group. You are likely not the first who has ever asked the question. A LOT of questions could be answered very quickly with a Google groups search. Being a Saturn owner for more than 11 years now, I used to post here a lot offering instructions and help to those who asked, but don't do it much anymore. I find the exact same questions being asked over and over, and a person has only so much time and patience to retype the answer each time. Use Google groups. It will help. Lane [ lane (at) evilplastic.com ]