
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mrsp, Jun 2, 2005.

  1. mrsp

    mrsp Guest

    I have recently experienced mechanical problems with my Saturn, it's a 1995
    Saturn, SC2. five speed. I had the fuel sensor replaced along with the
    filter. Ran awesome for a week, then relapsed. When I start it, Idle goes
    up to about 2500 rpm then dies, when I can keep it running it runs great.
    Then my coolant fan started running all the time, even when it is cold,
    computer says it's too hot, gauges are fine, and temperature meeter says
    190...mechanic had it for a week, and cannot figure out whats
    wrong??????????? any pros out there? I think my computer is going out.
    mrsp, Jun 2, 2005
  2. mrsp

    Rick Murphy Guest

    It's probably a bad coolant temperature sensor. Get one from Saturn -
    they're cheap, and the OEM ones are less likely to have compatibility
    The high RPM could be a vacuum leak, but any mechanic would have known
    to look for that so it's likely the CTS.
    Rick Murphy, Jun 2, 2005
  3. mrsp

    Oppie Guest

    Sounds right. Either that or a bad contact in one of the connectors.
    I'd replace the coolant temp sensor and if it doesn't cure the problem, get
    a shop with a decent diagnostic capability. The professional scan tools
    (ones that we mere owners can't afford) can read out the coolant
    temperature. If the read temperature does not match the actual temperature,
    you can start tracing back.
    Oppie, Jun 2, 2005
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