This product (SeaFoam) worked wonders on my motorcycle which sat for years and years.... I'm going to try it on my Saturn. Here is what the manufacturer says to do with it: *** START *** To unstick the rings, put ½ can of Sea Foam into the oil and drive the vehicle for 15 minutes or so, and then change the oil and leave it in until the next oil change. This should unstick your rings. The only caution I will give you is that if you have a very dirty sluggish crankcase, check the color of the oil after you have driven the car for 15 minutes to ½ hour after oil has been changed. If oil looks tan, continue to drive vehicle until next oil change. If oil looks black and dirty again, repeat the process until the oil comes out clean. This will gradually clean the crankcase. This will free the scraps rings, which will usually relate to belts compression performance. Of course if your rings are worn out, we will not replace metal, but whatever is left of the rings will function better. Good luck, and thank you for using Sea Foam. *** END *** BTW - I buy SeaFoam at the local NAPA store for the bike regularly now as it is a gas stabilizer too. Part SF-16 I think. Joe - V#8013 - '86 VN750 - joe @ yunx .com Ask me about "The Ride" on July 31, '04: [url][/url] I'm not a total idiot... I am after all, missing parts.