Stailling 95 saturn sw2

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Dave, May 27, 2007.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest


    I recently purchased a 1995 Saturn SW2 Automatic. After I have had the
    car on the highway for a while and then drive in local traffic it will
    stall when I come to a stop. I checked the codes by shorting out the
    pins on the connector and it just blinks 12 - no codes. If I drive the
    car locally only, it will not stall except on a rare occasion if I
    stomp on the brakes suddenly. My mechanic changed the air and fuel
    filters but it did not help. Also, I have never driven a Saturn before
    but it seems to me that the transmission shifts a little late both
    when shifting up and down. I don't know if that is related or not.
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
    Dave, May 27, 2007
  2. Dave

    BläBlä Guest

    Sounds like the EGR.
    BläBlä, May 30, 2007
  3. Dave

    Dave Guest

    Thanks. Unfortunately, I did not see your message until now. I took it
    to the dealer yesterday, and they changed the EGR valve and charged me
    $370. So far so good.

    Thank you very much,
    Dave, Jun 5, 2007
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