Solved my own problem...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Blah Blah, Sep 11, 2004.

  1. Blah Blah

    Blah Blah Guest

    Good one
    Blah Blah, Sep 11, 2004
  2. Blah Blah

    Ratbert Guest

    Well, this is a first. I used this newsgroup to find out how to fix my
    problem, and the author of the solution was me! Here's the story:

    My power window on the right rear door broke last year. I bought the
    parts to fix it and did it myself. It wasn't all that intuitive (you
    have to get to it from the outside), so I posted instructions here, in
    case anyone else needed them.

    Fast forward a year and some change, and the left rear window broke. I
    remembered fixing the other one, but didn't remember how. I searched
    google and found my original instructions. I then ordered the part I

    When the part came, I glanced at the instructions, but ignored the part
    about working on the outside of the door. I started taking the inside
    of the door off. I told myself that the instructions were way off, and
    I should post a correction. Then I realized that taking off the inside
    of the door is unnecessary. Once I got back on track, the instructions
    worked just fine.

    Anyway, if anyone else needs to fix a broken power window, search Google
    groups for my original post, with a subject line "Broken 98 SL2 Power
    window fixed cheap" dated 2003-06-15. Just make sure you take the
    outside of the door off, not the inside!

    Ratbert, Sep 11, 2004
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