SL2 Tuneup cycle

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Dick Beach, Oct 1, 2003.

  1. Dick Beach

    Dick Beach Guest

    Bought a used '95 SL2......gets good gas mileage but bucks at low rev's and
    vibrates a lot when idling. Does anybody know the tuneup cycle on these

    Dick Beach

    Office at Philadelphia Biblical University
    Dick Beach, Oct 1, 2003
  2. Dick Beach

    Bob Shuman Guest

    At that age, I'd change the wires and put in new plugs too. These are all
    cheap and everything is easy access with the 1.9L engine. About 20 minutes
    tops to do these yourself.

    Then , if it still idles rough, I'd get some good throttle body cleaner,
    remove the air intake from the throttle body and follow instructions on the
    can making sure you get a clean throttle body and plate. I'd also throw a
    can of some quality fuel injector cleaner in the gas tank and run that
    through before doing more.

    Since you don't know what preventive maintenance has been done, I'd also
    suggest that you change out the air filter and PCV as well.

    Lastly, and if you are still feeling ambitious, there is a fuel filter on
    the driver firewall (which can be a little difficult to get access to) but
    which likely should be replaced as well.

    Good luck!

    Bob Shuman, Oct 1, 2003
  3. Dick Beach

    Napalm Heart Guest

    Napalm Heart, Oct 2, 2003
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