SL2 makes terrible noise

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Doug, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Doug

    Doug Guest

    Daughter's 2001 SL2 has a serious problem -- engine runs but makes terrible
    & loud banging noise. A mechanic listened briefly and said it sounds like
    she threw a rod. Took the valve cover off & everything looks good & clean,
    plenty of oil. Just 90,000 miles on the car.

    She went to the dealership (w/o the car) and a salesperson told her that
    with Saturns there could be another cause for this that a mechanic not
    experienced with Saturns might not think of...but she didn't catch what it
    was he said, other than it might not be as serious as needing a rebuilt
    engine. Any idea what he might have been talking about?
    Doug, Nov 29, 2007
  2. Doug

    Lane Guest

    If I had to guess (which strangers on a message forum probably won't do well
    since we haven't seen/heard the car...), I'd say either the timing chain is
    on its way out, or a rod bearing is toast. The most common cause of either
    is neglecting to check the oil and keep it at the proper level, or change it
    at the proper interval.

    I had a rod bearing fail prematurely and this is what it sounded like:

    You can see what the guts of the motor looked like which caused this noise
    in the projects section of my website.

    Lane [ lane (at) ]
    Lane, Dec 13, 2007
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