SL1 Clutch Goes Bad How?

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Joe, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. Joe

    Joe Guest

    When it finally goes (I have 160,000 mi. on original...) does it go with
    gradual slippage like most cars or just simply disappear like some of the
    newer self-adjusting ones?

    Anyone get more than 160,000 on an original clutch?

    Joe in Northern, NJ - V#8013-R

    Currently Riding The "Mother Ship"

    Ride a motorcycle in or near NJ?

    Help Cure Cancer:
    Joe, Sep 27, 2006
  2. I had 180,000 miles on my '93 SL2 when the clutch went out. (I am
    imagining the SL1 woudl be similar). My mechanic found this amazing
    especially in the light my 2 daughters learned to drive on this car.
    When it went, it went quickly - from the time we first felt slippage to
    the time it became unbearable was under 500 miles.

    Son_Worshipper, Sep 27, 2006
  3. Joe

    Joe Guest

    Ick. Thank you for the response... I hope mine lasts longer / goes from
    noticeable to bad slower than that.

    I guess I'll start getting estimates now. :(

    Joe in Northern, NJ - V#8013-R

    Currently Riding The "Mother Ship"

    Ride a motorcycle in or near NJ?

    Help Cure Cancer:
    Joe, Sep 27, 2006
  4. Joe

    OtterQueen Guest

    Thanks for asking this question, I've been wondering the same thing. I
    actually attempted to get my clutch replaced a couple of times in the
    last few years because I figured it MUST need it - and I'd rather
    schedule the replacement rather than have it thrust upon me at some
    inconvenient time. But my mechanic insists that it's just fine. 160K
    on my '95 SL2, and I drove it in San Francisco for a few years -

    - C
    OtterQueen, Oct 9, 2006
  5. Joe

    kd1yv8 Guest

    My 97 SL2 has 177,777 miles on the original clutch. Of course, the first
    100k or so was all highway driving - didn't get my first brakes until 93k.

    kd1yv8, Oct 13, 2006
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