Shift Cables for Manual 5 Speed (HELP)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bob_in_Houston, Jun 20, 2004.

  1. I installed the shift cable but cannot figure out how the cable goes onto
    the shifter. I was able to hoorup the three with the clips. How do I get
    it on? Do I use a a pair of plyers or just push it on? I tried pushing it
    on but it does not go on.
    Bob_in_Houston, Jun 20, 2004
  2. Bob_in_Houston

    Ralph Modica Guest

    The shop manual advises using a pair of channel pliers.
    This DOES work. I tried regular pliers, c-clamps and sheer
    thumb pressure - none of those worked, but channel pliers DO.

    The offset will allow you to position the grips around the
    cable endcap and lever ball in a way that you can apply the
    needed pressure to pop the cable end onto the ball joint.

    My daughter's car recently had the cable end break loose while
    the highway. This cable design is NOT very good when it totally
    pops off and the driver loses shifter control. To prevent any future
    problems on my daughter's car, I added a metal bracket to keep
    the cable end in place should the plastic cap decide to break
    again in the future.

    At a dealership price of $260 for the cable set, I really expected
    a better design. The parts counter guy told me the cable end cap seems
    to break a lot during hot weather. One would think Saturn would have
    improved this design, but why bother when there is a much better profit
    margin on replacement parts ?

    When it come time to replace the Saturn, my daughter will NOT be getting
    another one due to this very bad shifter cable design - too much risk in
    getting into an accident when the cable breaks loose.


    Ralph Modica, Jun 21, 2004
  3. Bob_in_Houston

    ksaturn Guest

    My daughter had a similar experience. I can't believe that it's necessary
    to replace the entire cable assembly due to premature failure of a small
    plastic grommet. The Saturn parts department dismissed my complaint by
    saying that failure generally occurs after 100,000 miles. But mine failed
    after only 57,000 miles. Is there an after-market solution available that
    would allow replacement of the plastic grommet only?
    ksaturn, Jul 26, 2004
  4. Bob_in_Houston

    ksaturn Guest

    My daughter had a similar experience. I can't believe that it's necessary
    to replace the entire cable assembly due to premature failure of a small
    plastic grommet. The Saturn parts department dismissed my complaint by
    saying that failure generally occurs after 100,000 miles. But mine failed
    after only 57,000 miles. Is there an after-market solution available that
    would allow replacement of the plastic grommet only?
    ksaturn, Jul 26, 2004
  5. Bob_in_Houston

    ksaturn Guest

    ksaturn, Jul 26, 2004
  6. Bob_in_Houston

    ksaturn Guest

    Couldn't get the suggested MP6258 bushing from Ace Hardware (actually a
    5/8" nylon hole plug) to work -- too short. Fixed the problem by drilling
    and tapping a small hole into the exposed end of the steel ball, and
    re-inserting the original rubber grommet (both pieces, as it was broken in
    half). Then, through a hole punched in the exposed end of the grommet,
    secured with a screw through a large metal washer into the tapped hole.
    Now, even if the grommet deterioates, the shifter cable won't come loose.
    ksaturn, Jul 26, 2004
  7. Bob_in_Houston

    Mike Guest

    My failed too.

    I fixed it as follows:

    Drilled a hole in the ball.
    Slipped cable over ball
    Screwed a sheet metal screw with LARGE washer to hold the cable on.

    It has been working for two years now.
    Mike, Jul 31, 2004
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