selling email addresses to spammers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Terry, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. Terry

    Terry Guest

    Selling our email addresses to THAT's capitalism in action!


    From: "Bob Duncan" <>
    Subject: Re: Driving a Saturn is a SIN ! ! ! ! !
    Date: Thursday, December 23, 2004 8:41 AM

    They yank your email addy and sell them to spammers
    Terry, Dec 23, 2004
  2. Terry

    Terry Guest

    Oops I didn't mean to make a new post, I intended to reply
    to "Driving a Saturn is a sin!!" but the point remains.

    Terry, Dec 23, 2004
  3. Terry

    Blah blah Guest

    I bet you guys already get lots of spam the way you're broadcasting
    your emails in the newsgroups. Spam bots have a hell of a field to
    harvest in the newsgroups. They just aint going to get far with
    Blah blah, Dec 23, 2004
  4. Terry

    Terry Guest

    You would think so, but for some reason I have never gotten one spam email
    from my comcast account (I don't use it for anything except newsgroups).
    Terry, Dec 23, 2004
  5. Don't know about this, the People's Republic of New Jersey sold our
    information to telemarketer, to pay for their socialistic programs.

    Communism seem to state you have no private information, and NJ acted
    accordantly in their views.

    Just remember the recent past....

    tom @
    newsgroups01REMOVEME, Dec 23, 2004
  6. New Posting is a SIN!


    Happy Holidays Everyone!!!


    tom @
    newsgroups01REMOVEME, Dec 23, 2004
  7. Terry

    Blah blah Guest

    You've been lucky so far. Maybe comcast goes after spam or something so
    they dont add comcast emails.
    Blah blah, Dec 23, 2004
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