Seatbelt Retractor doesn't

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JimR, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. JimR

    JimR Guest

    My driver's side upper seatbelt (shoulder belt) on my 97 SL2 stopped
    retracting, or locking for that matter.

    1) How to I remove the trim on the B-post to access it? Chilton
    skipped this instruction completely.

    2) I'm betting that the part is a dealer-only. True?


    JimR, Dec 10, 2006
  2. JimR

    James1549 Guest

    Have you checked that the fuse is good? James
    James1549, Dec 11, 2006
  3. JimR

    JimR Guest

    No fuse on this puppy, it's mechanical.

    JimR, Dec 11, 2006
  4. JimR

    mrichards Guest

    I replaced the passenger side seat belt unit on my 97 SL1. It has been a
    few years and don't remember exactly, but think removal starts at the
    The unit is fairly complex and I had to buy a new one since one of the
    plastic parts in it was broken. The car was only a few months out of
    warranty when it happened and tried to get it repaired or at least get a
    new unit under warranty to no avail. Not all that hard to repair though.
    Good luck,
    mrichards, Dec 11, 2006
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