SC2 97' RIP

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\), Oct 5, 2007.

  1. My SC2 finally became parked. It started showing 'shift slamming' and I read
    in a few places that you can replace the fluid and maybe solve it if you're
    lucky. I may try this. Otherwise you're looking at a whole new 'transmission
    valve body' and I'd probably rather sell the car. Anyone have an idea what
    it's worth then in present condition?

    Just looking for some extra thoughts!



    HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\), Oct 5, 2007
  2. HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\)

    BläBlä Guest

    Cheapest route. It may prove effective. If it is the "reverse slam"
    issue then it is often very curable.
    From this information??? SC2 97 with transmissin problems tells me
    nothing. >:\ I'll offer you 5 bucks though!
    BläBlä, Oct 5, 2007
  3. I can give you a ballpark figure:

    What is the body condition
    What is the mileage
    What condition is the interior in

    These cars don't retain resale value like a Chevy or a Pontiac.

    Refinish King, Oct 6, 2007
  4. HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\)

    marx404 Guest

    marx404, Oct 6, 2007
  5. HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\)

    p_vouers Guest

    I had the old slam problem, took it to saturn and found it was a very
    normal problem with automatics and they fixed it (loose nut) for $68.
    As far as retaining there value I purchased my used 97 for 3500 3
    years ago and I can still sell it with 165k miles for around 3,000
    p_vouers, Oct 6, 2007
  6. Ask whoever is willing to pay that, if they have a brother?

    KBB is inflated for the $2000.00 push, pull or drag it in sales.

    Black book, NADA.

    Refinish King, Oct 7, 2007
  7. HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\)

    Lane Guest

    Search forums and you'll find a procedure to try that some
    have reported successful at fixing it, or at least making it better.

    Lane [ lane (at) ]
    Lane, Oct 11, 2007
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