Retired - can now play with the car - this is a blast! 240,000 mile car was running rough .. idle jumping all over etc. I bought a code reader. The reader looked like a shopping list on dollar day at Cosco for a family of 10. A huge list. Cleared them all: replaced EGR valve, replaced fuel filter, replace coils and plugs w new wires, cleaned throttle body <throttle body cleaner> while on car with clean rag, and put in new air filter. Car now idles fine <both in neutral and while in gear>. There is no more jerking on acceleration; it appears to run great BUT .... Now, when I come to an intersection, it idles 800-1000 fine, but when I hit the gas.. it stalls. I can drop it in park and restart it quick and pull away. This is a new symptom. Nope - no codes. Wires are right from plugs to coils, hoses reconnected, clamps are all tight, I'm at a loss .. HELP. TY...