Saturn Vue water in trunk area

Discussion in 'Saturn VUE' started by Shawn, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. Shawn

    Shawn Guest

    I have a 2005 Vue, and I keep finding water in the trunk area where the
    spare tire is. Can't figure out how it is getting in there. Anybody else
    have this problem?
    Shawn, Aug 15, 2008
  2. Shawn

    marx404 Guest

    Have you tried running water over the VUE with someone inside to see if they
    can visually see any leaks? Hit it with a high power garden hose, and then
    without the nozzle to see if you can simulate hard and heavy downpours.
    marx404, Aug 17, 2008
  3. Shawn

    PerfectReign Guest

    Only after a night of kegging...
    PerfectReign, Aug 21, 2008
  4. Shawn

    tut0101 Guest

    Have you checked the knock-outs in the bottom of the trunk area? I
    know there's at least one on the driver's side that you're supposed to
    punch out and fit with a rubber grommet to run trailer wiring. It
    seems unlikely that you'd get any significant water in the trunk area
    even if it was punched, but it might be worth checking.
    tut0101, Aug 22, 2008
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