Saturn Story

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Stilgar[], Jul 10, 2004.

  1. Let me start of by saying that this is the first time I've read the
    Saturn newsgroup, and I'm pretty happy with what I've seen. Compared
    to other vehicle groups the Saturn group is low on "my car sucks"
    postings. It looks like most of the trouble posts are from owners of
    cars that are getting up there in age, which I suppose you'd expect.

    I also have to throw out the fact that I love my 2002 SL1. I got
    married a little over two years ago and have been making a long haul
    to work since then. My car is about to roll up 98,000 miles, and
    outside of routine maintenance, I've had no troubles. I'm still on
    the original tires, go Firestone!

    Anyway, I recently had my car in to the dealer to have the front
    rotors machined and new pads installed. While I was waiting, I looked
    around at the '04 Ion's as we're thinking about replacing my wife's
    '01 Kia Rio (junk). The salesman pointed out that they've been taking
    pictures people who buy new Saturns. A woman I work with recently
    bought a new VUE and I noticed her picture on the wall.

    When I got back to work, I had to tell my coworker I saw her picture
    on the wall at the dealership. Another woman sitting nearby overheard
    us talking about our Saturns. She chimed in to tell us that her
    fairly-recent L200 has been nothing but trouble for her: new a/c
    compressor, new transmission, engine trouble, etc. She then said
    she'd never buy another Saturn again.

    At some point during the conversation, she mentioned that she bought
    her Saturn used. I said, "maybe the prior owners got rid of it
    because it was a lemon."

    She replied, "I bought it as a used rental car."
    Stilgar[], Jul 10, 2004
  2. Stilgar[] wrote:
    And this is when you looked at her and said something to the effect of
    "duh" ?

    Who knows if the rental co even bothered to change the oil or plugs or
    (pick your filter)? Why should they? Its cheaper not to do any
    maintence you don't have to. They'll get rid of the car two, three
    years after its model year - most engines will last that long without
    changing the oil. What kind of maintence, if any, has _she_ kept up with?

    In general, that many things simply don't go wrong that quick in modern
    cars unless they've been abused. Sorry if you like your co-worker, but
    she's ignorant and should consider taking the bus instead of bitching
    about Saturn.

    There was a thread started a couple of months ago about high milers.
    I've been impressed how people have kept their cars in what sounds like
    excellent shape for many many miles.

    richard hornsby, Jul 10, 2004
  3. Dude, rental cars rock!*

    *(If you're renting them)

    Otherwise? They suck. I mean, come on, who doesn't abuse the snot out
    of rental cars. They're *rentals*. If it breaks 5 months from now?
    Whoopie. It's not your car. It's probbably not even within 500 miles
    of you.
    Philip Nasadowski, Jul 10, 2004
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