Saturn SL2 96 no reverse

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by bjurbo, May 15, 2007.

  1. bjurbo

    bjurbo Guest

    Greetings Car Masters!

    I have a Saturn SL2 96 160k and I can not drive the car in reverse.

    - I start the car
    - Put in the reverse gear
    - Press the gas.
    - The car does not move. It feels like something is stuck somewhere
    that hinders the car from moving. The engine is engaged, works hard
    and tries to move the car.

    - I drive forward a foot
    - Put in reverse
    - I can now drive back the same distance that I drove forward.

    - I drove 1/4 mile
    - put in reverse, I could drive the car ~20 feet then abrubt stop.

    * I can roll the car backwards when in neutral
    * transmission fluid good, changed 3 months ago.

    What is wrong? Do you have advice?

    Many Thanks,
    bjurbo, May 15, 2007
  2. bjurbo

    Rob Burdett Guest

    Check the transmission fluid may be low.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: [mailto:]
    Posted At: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 1:48 AM
    Posted To:
    Conversation: Saturn SL2 96 no reverse
    Subject: Saturn SL2 96 no reverse

    Greetings Car Masters!

    I have a Saturn SL2 96 160k and I can not drive the car in reverse.

    - I start the car
    - Put in the reverse gear
    - Press the gas.
    - The car does not move. It feels like something is stuck somewhere
    that hinders the car from moving. The engine is engaged, works hard
    and tries to move the car.

    - I drive forward a foot
    - Put in reverse
    - I can now drive back the same distance that I drove forward.

    - I drove 1/4 mile
    - put in reverse, I could drive the car ~20 feet then abrubt stop.

    * I can roll the car backwards when in neutral
    * transmission fluid good, changed 3 months ago.

    What is wrong? Do you have advice?

    Many Thanks,
    Rob Burdett, May 18, 2007
  3. bjurbo

    bjurbo Guest

    done, ok
    bjurbo, May 19, 2007
  4. bjurbo

    Chuck Guest

    Here we go again!
    You have a loose input shaft nut. About $12 worth of parts - 4 hrs.
    I've had mine replaced by Saturn Service for $282.
    Chuck, May 20, 2007
  5. bjurbo

    Lane Guest

    It would help to know if it is a manual or automatic transmission.

    Lane [ lane (at) ]
    Lane, May 20, 2007
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