Saturn SL1 Dashboard Lights

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by sanju_id, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. sanju_id

    sanju_id Guest

    Can someone please tell me what is the light next to the
    coolent/temperature light. I bought a Saturn SL1 97 sometime back, but
    the previous owner did not provide me with the user manual.

    These two lights have started blinking infrequently. Usually it is when
    I start the car they start blinking for sometime and then stop. Today
    it happened after I had driven some 5 miles and it stopped after
    blinking sometimes.

    Can anyone please let me know what is happening.

    sanju_id, Feb 11, 2005
  2. sanju_id

    Ratbert Guest

    It sounds like the coolant level light is the one you are seeing. You
    probably need to add coolant.
    Ratbert, Feb 11, 2005
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