Saturn SL1 A/C problem.

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by JohnB, Jul 5, 2003.

  1. JohnB

    JohnB Guest


    I have a 1994 Saturn SL1 with an A/C problem. I've disconnected the
    green wire that plugs directly into the connector at the top of the
    compressor. There is voltage at the end of the wire when the A/C
    switch is on, but the compressor won't kick in. The wire and the
    connector are making good contact when plugged in. Anyway, directly
    applying 12v to the connector on the compressor will get it to run
    fine. There is a diode inside a small splice connector a few inches
    from the end of the green wire which also seems fine (as far as I can
    tell - I'm not sure what it does). Any ideas on what the issue might
    be, or what else I can check?


    JohnB, Jul 5, 2003
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