Saturn SL1 1997 Problems- Help.

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Lu, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. Lu

    Lu Guest

    I have 2 problems since I bought this used 1997 SL1 with 74,000 miles.
    1)I have to turn the ignition key several times to start the car.
    I went to 2 mechanics and they could not tell me if this is a problem
    with the key cylinder or starter.
    2)When starting the car- the engines revs to 1300 rpm and then slowly
    goes down to 900 rpm- but it takes good 4-5 minutes.
    Afterwards I have problems when idling in Drive (500-600 rpms) and the
    needle is hesitating bettween 500 and 600 rpms.
    I had complete tune up and replaced the idle sensor (aka air sensor).
    Cost me $270 for all of this and the mechanics are scratching their heads
    and can't figure out the idle problem.
    This affects when I am standing in traffic jams and try to switch lanes
    and as I hit the accelerator my car dangerously hesitates.
    Any clues?
    Please remove all "Q's" from my email before replying to me.
    Lu, Nov 3, 2004
  2. Lu

    Joe Delphi Guest

    Have them check your exhaust system. Your catalytic converter may be
    clogged up.

    Joe Delphi, Nov 4, 2004
  3. Lu

    Blah blah Guest

    7 times before you can get it to turn over or what?

    That might be Idle Air Control.

    600-700 would be the norm I think.

    Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) sounds likely. Might want to look into
    cleaning the EGR valve as well.
    Blah blah, Nov 4, 2004
  4. do you hear the fuel pump run when you turn the key on but not start the
    Jeff McDonald, Nov 4, 2004
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