Saturn sl1 1993 door wont open

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by jennymd, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. jennymd

    jennymd Guest

    I have a question about my saturn. The driver side door will not open.
    I think something in the latch assembly is broken. My biggest problem
    is how to get the door open so I can replace the latch, or even get a
    look at it. With the door closed, you can't even get the inside
    panel. Does anyone know where I can get instructions on how to do

    jennymd, Jul 8, 2007
  2. jennymd

    Kevin Guest

    try removing the handle and pulling the actuating rod by hand, and see
    if that does it.
    Kevin, Jul 9, 2007
  3. jennymd

    jennymd Guest

    Thanks for the help! The rods are all working fine-so it didnt work. I
    think it is the lock assembly and in other forums, some have posted
    that you could break the lock assembly to get in, but I cannot see how-
    any ideas? Thanks!
    jennymd, Jul 9, 2007
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