Saturn Relay overstarting

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by blas1970, Jan 19, 2007.

  1. blas1970

    blas1970 Guest

    Our 2005 saturn relay keeps trying to start after it is already running.
    Sometimes it then quits and you have to try to start again. We have
    talked to the service dept. they say saturn knows about it and that it
    happens in all of them and they will eventually come up with a fix but it
    won't hurt the car. I find it hard to believe that all of then do it and
    they are able to sell these still. Does anyone else have this problem. It
    usuall takes about 4 times to start the car but the pther day it took me 19
    times to start the car. It can't be good for our car to keep this up it
    has been happening for two years now.
    blas1970, Jan 19, 2007
  2. blas1970

    marx404 Guest

    I would contact the shop manager and Saturn Customer Care, this is NOT
    normal, I have sold the Relay since it first came out and have never
    encountered this issue. I have seem where the remote doesn't work at all ,
    but never what you describe and this is definitely not normal nor good at
    all for the starter. If there is an alternate Saturn store I would try it

    marx404, Jan 21, 2007
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