Saturn Performance Club Rally photos and video posted

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Lane, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. Lane

    Lane Guest

    This year's coverage of the Saturn Performance Club's 2007 Rally has been
    posted on my site. It was held in mid-May and was the club's tenth annual.
    Instead of raving about it here, I'll let the photos tell the story. You'll
    find 10 new pages and 89 photos & video clips here: .

    In April of 2007, club members Kevin K & John L (Deebs) were invited by
    Saturn to participate in their Brand Advocate Board meeting. A handful of
    owners & enthusiasts from around North America were flown to Detroit and
    treated to an experience that the rest of us can only envy. Read about it &
    see around a hundred plant photos in a new section on the SPC site: . Special thanks to
    Kevin for the write-up, and providing the photos of the event that were
    supplied by Saturns' marketing department.

    Lane [ lane (at) ]
    Lane, Jun 24, 2007
  2. Ah crap, that's what I forgot about! I was just down in Chicago the other
    week or whatever too. Blah!
    HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\), Jun 24, 2007
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