Saturn Model

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Scott, Jul 18, 2004.

  1. Scott

    Scott Guest


    Does anyone know where/if I can get one of those plastic models of a Saturn?
    The ones you put together. All I can find are mostly "Muscle" cars. I would
    like one of a Saturn.


    Scott, Jul 18, 2004
  2. Scott

    James1549 Guest

    Does anyone know where/if I can get one of those plastic models of a Saturn?

    My Saturn dealer has seveal different models to choose from. They are mostly
    die-cast metal.

    James1549, Jul 18, 2004
  3. Scott

    Tenzo Guest

    So the cars are plastic and the models are metal.......
    Tenzo, Jul 18, 2004
  4. Scott

    marx404 Guest

    So the cars are plastic and the models are metal.......

    LOL.......funny. Yea, my dealership only has L series left, I'd like to get
    a Redline ION or an SC model, post if anyone knows where to get these.
    Perhaps one can go to a local Kaybee or Toys R US and ask about these?

    marx404, Jul 22, 2004
  5. Scott

    uknewwho Guest

    uknewwho, Jul 22, 2004
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