Saturn Ion Tires

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by sturg57, Jan 16, 2005.

  1. sturg57

    sturg57 Guest

    They suck ass in the snow,why a wide tread tire?.
    sturg57, Jan 16, 2005
  2. sturg57

    GCC Guest

    Glad I'm not the only one who thinks they suck..
    GCC, Jan 19, 2005
  3. sturg57

    Biker Geek Guest

    Me three. I've been driving my Ion (non-traction control,
    non-ABS)[1] in the snow the last couple of weeks and I'm
    astonished at how badly it handles. I've driven early-model
    Datsun "Z" cars in the snow. I learned to drive on V8, front
    engine, rear drive American land barges and they handle better
    than this.

    On top of it, the five-speed automatic is useless in snow. I'd
    love to see a "winter mode" on it that starts you off in second
    gear, as starting off in first almost guarantees wheelspin. I'd
    also love to see the ability to lock the transmission in a gear
    *other* than first. F'rex, the "2" position on most traditional
    automatics limits you to first and second gears, which helps with
    engine braking while not limiting your speed too much.

    [1]This is a car I inherited from my mom when she passed away. I
    guess she considered those features "optional" because she wasn't
    going to drive the car in snow. At her age, all trips were
    optional--supermarket trips could wait a couple of days till the
    roads were plowed and salted and sanded. :-/ If I had been
    ordering the car for myself, I might have gotten those features.
    I would also have gotten a manual rather than an automatic.
    Biker Geek, Jan 21, 2005
  4. sturg57

    NoSetFine Guest

    Suck ass is RIGHT!!!

    Get this: (ION3) I survived last winter (barely) but this one, now that
    they're worn down another 1/32" or so... COMPLETELY USELESS. I took it to a
    garage to get snows on (aka "man-eaters" judging from the size of the tread)
    but they had to get 2 other mechanics to push the car into the garage -
    there was a 6" slope into the bay and the stock tires wouldn't grip enough
    to even bring it into the bay!! They even got a bit of a run at it - no
    dice. Might as well have been chained to the light post behind it - no way
    was it going to drive in there on its own.

    So... that means the stock tires have LESS TRACTION than your average
    steel-toed Kodiaks.... how's that for pathetic.

    Damn you, GM you cheap bastiges!!
    NoSetFine, Jan 28, 2005
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