Saturn 1994/ Make???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bigbaby2005, Jul 8, 2005.

  1. Bigbaby2005

    Bigbaby2005 Guest

    I have recently purchased a Saturn(Used)and I don't know the make of the
    car. But that is not it When I start it up(When set down for more than
    five hours) after putting it in First gear it wouldo move about half a
    foot and it would start getting back as if there was no gas going in it
    then after i pat the gas a couple of times the engine alses up and the car
    takes off.But thats the only time that it dose that then when I park the
    car for some odd hours it will do the same thing. I was wondering if there
    is any one that could give me some kind of explantion for what is going on
    with my saturn?
    Bigbaby2005, Jul 8, 2005
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