Running out of gas..not empty

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ruddager99, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. ruddager99

    ruddager99 Guest

    My wife ran the SC2 (1999) out of gas a couple weeks ago. She did it
    again the next week and now today it "ran out" on the freeway. She got
    a splash from the highway helper, went to the gas station, and it only
    took 5gallons to fill it. (the highway helper didnt dump more than a
    half gallon in it)

    What's going on? Is the fuel pump failing from running out the first
    and second times? Why stall when there is 1/2 a tank?

    ruddager99, Feb 25, 2005
  2. ruddager99

    Biker Geek Guest

    Is the fuel system vent working? If the system that draws air in
    from the outside is plugged, you can end up with a vacuum in the
    fuel tank and it looks like the vehicle is out of gas although it
    really isn't.

    It used to be that fuel caps had a simple pinhole. Now I think
    it's more of a one-way valve that allows outside air in but does
    not allow fuel vapors to escape.

    Next time this happens, see if removing the gas cap fixes the
    problem. On OBDII cars it'll set a "check engine" code but SFW,
    better than being broken down on the side of the highway.

    You may end up having to replace the fuel cap.
    Biker Geek, Feb 25, 2005
  3. ruddager99

    Dan Duncan Guest

    Doesn't that vent get plugged if people repeatedly overfill the tank
    instead of stopping when it clicks off?

    Dan Duncan, Feb 25, 2005
  4. ruddager99

    blah blah Guest

    Just a side note... DONT RUN THE TANK OUT OF GAS! Gas is ALWAYS cheaper
    than fuel pumps and running out or running below a 1/4 of a tank equals
    fuel pump damage.
    blah blah, Feb 25, 2005
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