I am into month 3 of an intermittent shifting problem. 98% of the time shifting is smooth, the problem arises usually when the car is warmed up. Symptoms of the poor shifting will be a delay past the usual rpm point of shifting with a "slamming type kick in the pants" changing of gears. The dealer has changed the input speed sensor and the pressure control solenoid twice. The difficult aspect of all this is I spend days waiting for the problem to duplicate for the mechanic (he drives my car) where he will then attempt a fix. The last time I was told they will call Tech Support for help. They phoned me yesterday to tell me they were still driving/waiting for the problem to duplicate again, my thought was why? Well, the mechanic is obviously stumped. I Googled and found this: [url]http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&safe=off&threadm=20020616030153.10298.00000433%40mb-cd.aol.com&rnum=14&prev=/groups%3Fq%3Drough%2Bshifting%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26group%3Drec.autos.makers.saturn%26safe%3Doff%26start%3D10%26sa%3DN[/url] Does anyone have any suggestions? My patience is wearing thin.