Rotating tires?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JimR, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. JimR

    JimR Guest

    My '97 SL2 owners' manual says to rotate the tires in the classic X
    patters (LF to RR, etc.). However, I have heard for years that radial
    tires should not be rotated to the opposite side of the vehicle (reverse

    Which is correct?

    JimR, Oct 22, 2009
  2. JimR

    IYM Guest

    Yes you can, as long as you check to see if they aren't one way tires or
    rims... The earlier SL's optional mfr Saw tooth rims were only meant to
    run one way. Some tires are only meant to run one way, and usually say
    so on the inside wall, usually marked by an arrow indicating direction.
    So check for those two things first. If your ok, there should be no
    reason you can't rotate the way you want. I mix it up - I move fronts
    to backs at one rotation, then X at the next and repeat.
    IYM, Oct 22, 2009
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