rewards paid to "insiders"

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by misterfact, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. misterfact

    misterfact Guest

    Rewards paid to "insiders" with information on EPIDEMIC FLAWS in NEW
    cars coming off the assemblyline to dealers!


    misterfact, Feb 13, 2007
  2. misterfact

    marx404 Guest

    Do Not Reply to this post, it only feeds the troll!
    marx404, Feb 14, 2007
  3. misterfact

    misterfact Guest

    Two replies received so far. Will post as soon as they are verified.
    misterfact, Feb 14, 2007
  4. misterfact

    BläBlä Guest

    Oh boy this kook is back... The medication must be wearing off.

    So you'll be paying them how? You will confirm they're insiders how?
    With their personal info? HAHA! I and anyone else could BS you into
    believing anything you want. The problem is I dont want some psychopath
    trying to behead me at night because I swindled him out of his make
    believe money. Anyone that made any contact with you should be very
    Then why have you plastered email addresses and names of the few
    dumbasses that have emailed you all over the web?
    Anyone that wants this guy to have any of their personal info will be
    putting themselves at risk of God knows what. This guy is a nut who
    lives in a Pink house. Ted Kaczynski looks stable in comparison.
    BläBlä, Feb 14, 2007
  5. misterfact

    NapalmHeart Guest

    Maybe he lives in a "Red House"? ;+)>
    NapalmHeart, Feb 15, 2007
  6. "BläBlä" <0m4n.m1st3rf4ct.s!rcre4p.c0m>
    wrote in message
    I cannot be positive, but I believe that Mr. Kaczynski did not drive a
    Saturn. I think he used a bicycle.

    David Teichholtz, Mar 1, 2007
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