Replacing rev Counter Bulb ('03 L200)

Discussion in 'Saturn L-series' started by Dave, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest

    Can someone please talk me through how to replace the bulb that
    illuminates the rev counter on a 2003 L200 please? Speedomemter is
    illuminated just fine but rev counter is not.
    Dave, Mar 6, 2006
  2. Dave

    Dave Guest

    Found the procedure at SaturnFans.Com. Here it is if anyone needs to know:

    Replacing Tacho Bulb
    bulb replacment isn't that difficult. there isn't that much to remove.
    the dash doesn't have to be removed.
    -remove the 2 screws that are going up into the gauge cluster bezel.
    -remove the knee bolster (lower panel of driver side dash), it just
    clips on. you will find 2 screws under the bolster on the lower part of
    the bezel.
    -put the steering wheel in is lowest position.
    -remove the bezel surrounding the gauge cluster.
    -remove the 4 7mm bolts that hold the cluster to the dash and carefully
    remove the cluster. you will find the bulb you need to replaced is in
    the back of the cluster.
    -then put it all back together.
    should take 30 mins. if you take your time.

    the only tools you will neeed is a phillips screwdriver a 1/4" rachet a
    6" extention and a 7mm socket.
    Dave, Mar 7, 2006
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