Replacing instrument panel lights?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mr. K.V.B.L., Mar 1, 2007.

  1. Mr. K.V.B.L.

    Mr. K.V.B.L. Guest

    Victim is a '99 SC1...
    I'm not talking about the dashboard lights which covers the speed,
    tach, etc. All of the lights that light up my heating/cooling
    sliders, lights to the buttons on the radio, etc. All of them are out
    after 8 years. They all seemed to go pretty much at the same time.
    Does anyone have a good reference in print or online about how to dig
    into this part of the car so I can fix all of this stuff up?

    Thanks a bunch!
    Mr. K.V.B.L., Mar 1, 2007
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