Repainting Plastic?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\), Oct 8, 2007.

  1. I was curious as to how re-paintable the plastic body of Saturn's are. I had
    a friend who had a Red SC2 repainted the stock Green color that mine is. I
    was wondering how well professional (and if anyone knows, how much!) paint
    jobs on Saturn's hold up. Would they decrease resale value (if they all are
    poor quality?)

    Firefly Green here I come!



    HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\), Oct 8, 2007
  2. HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\)

    BläBlä Guest

    It won't increase the value reguardless of quality. It is more likely to
    hurt the value because new paint usually means something is being
    covered up.
    BläBlä, Oct 8, 2007

  3. True, and understandable. The only thing I'd have to cover up at this point
    is a color that everyone else has and that I only am OK with and whatever.
    I've seen an Ion in some flashy bright neon green color and it looked
    stunning. Also curious because the colors I want aren't exactly easy to find
    (I'd have to drive to Mpls. and hope that the TWO they have aren't junk and
    what I want, and I'm not ready to go buy a car anytime soon anyway.)

    I'd rather have my car look good (professional paint job) and be a little
    more unique than the bland colors of today's cars. Yeah.
    HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\), Oct 9, 2007
  4. HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\)

    marx404 Guest

    Heres the scoop. It's an ION, resale isnt that great but best in it's class
    of sub $16K cars. A true PPG professional (expensive) paint job won't hurt
    it. Many cars are sometimes damaged during transport or while on the lot at
    dealerships and must be retouched, you would never know as the job is done

    How to tell? overspray is the #1 culprit, especially roughness under the
    hood edges. Ripling and uneven colours are a dead giveaway too so choose
    your paint shop carefully and make sure they understand you want a
    professional job.

    Polymer paints just as well as metal if prepared properly. Will it hurt your
    value? not really on this car, unless you are looking at rading it in,
    dealers will use that against you. If it is professionally done its your
    business ;-) Private sales are unafffected again, if professionally done. If
    you plan on keeping your ION, paint it to your liking and enjoy driving your
    unique car!
    marx404, Oct 9, 2007
  5. HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\)

    SnoMan Guest

    Maybe with a old antique but not a Saturn. First time I ever heard
    anyone say the a good paint job would decrease value.
    SnoMan, Oct 9, 2007
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