Removable roof racks?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mark Carroll, Aug 17, 2005.

  1. Mark Carroll

    Mark Carroll Guest

    We have a 1998 SW2 and we're looking for a removable roof rack with
    cross-bars for it. Our Saturn dealer's quoting $227.74, but it'd not
    surprise me if there's something else I can get for half that that'll
    do the job. However, with the other removable roof racks around, I'm
    having a hard time finding any assurances that they will work with our

    Can anyone recommend any removable roof-racks that are more reasonably
    priced that are known to fit fine on the SW2? (Also, a friend has an
    SW or SW2 a few years older - would the same work on that?) Or will
    pretty much any of them fit?

    -- Mark
    Mark Carroll, Aug 17, 2005
  2. Mark Carroll

    p_vouers Guest

    yakama but they are still around 180.00
    p_vouers, Aug 18, 2005
  3. Mark Carroll

    micven55 Guest

    I've got a Thule rack on my 2001 SL1 and it works well. You have to remove
    the plastic trim pieces on top of the door openings (with a torx driver)
    place the rack retaining clips to the roof and put the plastic trim pieces
    back on. Once you get the rack set up correctly the first time it comes on
    and off in a minute. The retaining clips stay with the car and you can
    hardly notice them.

    If you go this way you'll need the "Aero Feet" the specific "Fit Kit" for
    your car and the Cross Bars (a fairing will cut down on the wind noise so
    you might want to get one of them too). The Thule web site will tell you
    the exact part numbers that will fit your car. Try "Rack Warehouse", they
    usually have the best prices. Since I only carry a couple of bike racks or
    a ski rack I shortened the crossbars, they stuck out quite a bit, so sooner
    or later I was bound to whack my head getting into the car.

    Oh yeah, you'll find out that none of this is cheap, but it will be less
    than the rack from the dealer.
    micven55, Aug 18, 2005
  4. Mark Carroll

    meh1963 Guest

    Think twice before using the Thule racks. I've had two sets - for a
    1997 and 1999 SL2 - and in both cases at least one of the towers
    failed, once catastrophically on a thruway (leaving both bikes bouncing
    and destroyed). Apparently, the rods are under tension on the newer
    Thule racks (e.g., the non-gutter-mount racks) and the strut towers
    aren't strong enough to maintain the compression stress.

    In neither failure did Thule respond to letters sent them - both were
    about 1.5 yrs old and out of warranty. The second time irked me and I
    decided not to buy their products again.

    I've since used Yakima racks and have found them less prone to failure.

    meh1963, Sep 6, 2005
  5. Mark Carroll


    Jul 18, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I just bought a 95 SL with 77,000 miles on it. I love it. However after reading about the plastic panels used on the car I’m curious whether the roof will adequately hold a removable roof rack. I recently tried a soft strap rack for my surfboard and the roof was very bouncy and unhappy. Will it hold a proper roof rack?
    Schroeder3, Jul 18, 2019
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