remote key sync 2000 lw2

Discussion in 'Saturn L-series' started by drandall, Feb 10, 2006.

  1. drandall

    drandall Guest

    How can I re program my key remote for the 2000 wagon . Wife's keyless
    works great, Bought one off internet and it won't work either. Dealer
    wants 36.50 to program it. Dale
    drandall, Feb 10, 2006
  2. drandall

    marx404 Guest

    unfortunately, AFAIK, this requires use of a computerized tool called "tech
    II" which is very expensive, therefore only mechanics will have it. when
    setting up a new remote, both remotes must be synced with the same code and
    the car. If you know of any other mechanic who works on GM vehicles, perhaps
    they can set up the remotes for you. The good nobody can just buy a
    remote on ebay and open up your saturn.

    marx404, Feb 12, 2006
  3. drandall

    SnoMan Guest

    You do not need a tech 2 tool to do it and your car will support up to
    4 keyless remotes. If you jumper over pins 4 and 8 on OBD2 connector
    it will place car in learning mode and teach it to work with. Horn
    will sound to confirm mode. Within 30 second of horn sounding, press
    and hold both lock and unlock button on fob until car responds by
    cycling locks and sounding horn. You may add up to 4 of them this way.
    When done, remove jumper from pin 4 and 8. No rocket science needed
    SnoMan, Mar 13, 2006
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