Reflex wipers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Roy, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. Roy

    Roy Guest

    Anyone else using the reflex wipers from Canadian Tire on an S series or any
    other car for that matter?
    My first set was fine for about 9 months then they started to curl on the
    ends. I bent them back into shape and got another few months. My second
    (present) set started to curl after the first month. I really like these
    wipers because they don't lift at higher speeds but I don't see the use in
    paying that much for a 22" wiper that is only clearing a 15" path.
    Basically wondering if anybody else has had this problem if it might be the
    curve of the windshield, the length of the blades or just the cold here in
    NB, Canada.
    Roy, Feb 13, 2006
  2. Roy

    Wurm Guest

    I've heard rave reviews of these wipers (not by Saturn owners mind you, by
    Civic owners) so I went into my local CT to pick em up. First time I was in
    there they were sold out, I figured it was due to high demand and I said
    that to the salesman and he kind of dodged the answer..... so I waited 2
    weeks and went back and found again that they had none in stock, I asked the
    salesguy why, and he told me that their entire stock was either missing the
    proper type of clips needed to attach them to the wiper arms, or the clips
    that were in the packaging was the wrong size / broke upon first use so they
    had to return the entire shipment and they weren't sure if they would carry
    them anymore.

    I ended up getting a set of jobbers for half the price and am quite happy
    with them :)
    YMMV of course

    Wurm, Feb 13, 2006
  3. Roy

    Box134 Guest

    I had the same question in my mind as Roy. Thanks for the feedback. I
    wondered about them.

    I forked out for the Teflon wipers and I've really liked those, but I'm
    definitely holding off on the Reflex from what you've said.
    Box134, Feb 20, 2006
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