Rattle in dash '01 SL1

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by LBJGH, May 8, 2004.

  1. LBJGH

    LBJGH Guest

    I've got this rattle behind my dashboard that is driving me nuts. I looked
    under the dash (from the floor) and every nut and bolt that I can see or
    feel is tight.

    Any ideas what might be rattling? Any common stuff?
    LBJGH, May 8, 2004
  2. In my 98SL2, the right-center vent has a broken hinge, and the left one
    rattles. However, there is something else which is rattling and it
    drives me crazy, so if you do figure it out, let me know please before I
    break something beating on it to stop the rattle :)

    richard hornsby, May 8, 2004
  3. LBJGH

    LBJGH Guest

    hahaha I thought I was the only one beating my dashboard. :)

    My lease is up in October so I guess GMAC can fix the car. I think it may
    have something to do with the fan or venting since I first noticed the
    rattle with my fan control in setting 1 or 2 but the rattle would go away
    when the fan was on 3 or higher.
    LBJGH, May 8, 2004
  4. I used to get dash and door rattles when the TAM (torque axis mount) was
    worn on my 97SL2 - the mount seemed to last about 50k miles...
    Jonnie Santos, May 8, 2004
  5. You can touble shoot a bunch of stuff...fan, vent, etc., by running, opening
    / closing, etc. If you still hear the rattle with the fan off, it might be
    just as Jonnnie said...an indication that your motor mount is starting to
    get old. Your car will shake a little...you'll see more vibration. Mine
    lasted 120,000 miles, but really sounded awful when it finally went. Don't
    know about the '97, but the mount is easy to replace on the '94...you just
    have to support the engine when you take the mount off. I did this by
    putting a board between the engine and the frame...a 1x1 board should do the

    Barry Schnoor, May 10, 2004
  6. LBJGH

    ProfWdesk1 Guest

    However, there is something else which is rattling and it

    I have the same thing in my 98SL2. I thought about bringing to the dealer and
    paying them to run it down. Any thoughts? Let me know of any helps. Thanks.
    Roy, 98SL2 ... looking to buy an ION or L series
    ProfWdesk1, May 21, 2004
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