random high idle in park

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dizzymae, Oct 8, 2005.

  1. dizzymae

    dizzymae Guest

    My 96 Saturn has been driven and put in park idle increases to 2000RPMs.
    after about 20 seconds drops back down to normal idle and then increases
    again. It was random now it is doing it regularly. But only after it has
    been driven.Any ideas,
    dizzymae, Oct 8, 2005
  2. dizzymae

    dizzymae Guest

    forgot to mention it is automatic transmission. help anyone??
    dizzymae, Oct 8, 2005
  3. dizzymae

    Blah Blah Guest

    Your Idle Air Control valve may be carboned up. Clean it, your EGR
    valve, and your throttle body. Dont know what your current mileage is
    but in the future post that and engine type as well.
    Blah Blah, Oct 9, 2005
  4. dizzymae

    Joe Guest

    defective coolant temperature sensor can also cause this.
    Joe, Oct 10, 2005
  5. dizzymae

    dizzymae Guest

    tactometer climbs from 1000-3000 in 10 secs,returns to 1000 slowly, after
    coming to a stop and putting transmission in park. now it feels like it
    maintains 2200 rpm most of the time and like the gas pedal is feeding the
    engine even when i am coming to a stop sign Mileage is 130,000 have
    changed temp sensor, cleaned egr and checked idle control still no change
    dizzymae, Nov 6, 2005
  6. dizzymae

    dizzymae Guest

    tactometer climbs from 1000-3000 in 10 secs,returns to 1000 slowly, after
    coming to a stop and putting transmission in park. now it feels like it
    maintains 2200 rpm most of the time and like the gas pedal is feeding the
    engine even when i am coming to a stop sign Mileage is 130,000 have
    changed temp sensor, cleaned egr and checked idle control still no change
    dizzymae, Nov 6, 2005
  7. dizzymae

    Bob Shuman Guest

    You do not indicate the age of the vehicle. Look for a vacuum leak. The
    vacuum hoses can get old and brittle, crack and suck air raising the idle.

    Bob Shuman, Nov 6, 2005
  8. dizzymae

    dizzymae Guest

    1996 SL2, thank you i will check that, is wd40 the best thing for finding
    vacuum leaks? you cant see or reach?
    Can you tell me vacuum hose route for the egr solenoid for the liear egr?
    thanks for the help!
    dizzymae, Nov 6, 2005
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